Sunday, July 12, 2009

Contemplation on God's Supremacy - Part 1

I wrote this entry on September 11, 2008 - the day after my 17th birthday. It is not complete, however; I thought it was worth posting, and so here it is for you to read and to think upon the truths therein.

The more I contemplate the total supremacy and glory of the One who created this world, loves each and every one of His people He has made, and knows everything that goes on, the more I realize His unfathomable, indescribable awesomeness that I cannot even begin to comprehend beyond but a mere grasp of understanding.

The human mind cannot possibly wholey comprehend the vast qualities and characteristics of God, or we are but mere man, and if man were to know everything about His Creator, the purpose of a God would be defeated, hence man himself would liken himself to rule the universe as his own god.

Thus the belief of Christianity would be destroyed, for in essence to be a Christian is to be a "little Christ" - taking on Christ's character and conforming to His image - and Christ is God.
However, our faith is firm on the foundation that God was and always is supreme, immutable, holy, infinite, and ours forever.

God is omniscient. Even seven years ago when Islami terrorists hijacked American planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, when they aimed for the White House, when thousands of people that were just going about their usual business on a normal day, when suddenly tragedy struck them and ended or changed their lives forever and impacted the lives of their families and friends...God knew what He was doing.

He had a plan and a purpose for it all, which is why He allowed it to happen. 9/11/01 has brought all Americans closer as a nation, united to fight for our lives against those terrorists, to fight for the freedom and lives of innocent people in Afghanistan, Iraq, and throughout the Middle East.
His plan continues to unfold. We will trust Him.


  1. =O
    Elizabeth... I can't believe I just now found your blog.

    Your poems are the most beautiful things ever, and this post made me think a lot. You're right- even though it doesn't seem so in the heat of the moment, God always has a plan for everything. ALWAYS. EVERYTHING.

    Beth, you rock. :D

  2. I can't belive I just now saw this comment.
    Thank you, Brenna!
    Your blog is amazing, too! I checked it out a couple months ago.
    Guess I should go back and revisit. =)
